viernes, 28 de junio de 2013

How to maintain a property on the coast in good condition?

costa montaña casa 80
costa montaña casa 80/ Imagenes con fines ilustrativos
Condominiums tend to deteriorate faster on the coast than in the city, learn about basic tips to keep your home in good condition.
One of the advantages that offers a condominium property, is the accompaniment in terms of maintenance and care of your residence. However they do not exempt that suffer deterioration by the environment in which they are located.
Properties on the coast suffering from a very significant phenomenon and can be harmful to some elements in the House, this is: the salinity.
The Pacific Ocean contains much salinity, which can lead to affectations in home appliances, metal products, wood and others.
Other elements that may affect your home, is moisture, this occurs by keeping a House for a long time closed, if with wooden furniture it is likely that moisture to accumulate and form rust.
Wood and metal products have to suffer great damages caused by these elements, so it is preferable to having articles that are of aluminum already that this does not create corrosion and plastic, which is not affected by moisture in as much as wood.
To the extent possible, have air-conditioning, if it is not possible, make sure that the property has good ventilation, whenever you have opportunity to open all the Windows and let rust and moisture is released, concentrated in the damp air can be harmful to your health.
Another of the recommendations is to use electrical connections that will enable it to avoid voltage changes when happen storms, very typical in tropical countries during the rainy season.
Not to leave appliances connected, is preferable to leave all disconnected to avoid that televisions, fans, or others, may damage by omitting the refrigerator that should remain connected.
These cases occur much more frequently on properties that are facing the sea, however precautions for any property on the coast is never over.
Posted by Costa Developers

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